Links to outside support
Facebook group: National Blinded Veterans Organization (NBVO)
The Blind Spot by Ra Morales
Keith Heltsley
- – Comparing world views, and diving deep into scripture.
- Retro Radio Podcast – Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.
Resources developed by the former Hines Alumni for the use of blind veterans. Be aware, technology and information constantly change. Some of the items here have not been updated for a few years.
The hope is that you will find these items helpful and informative. If you find out of date information, please report it, and an update will be made.
Based on the help files for Jaws for Windows, common keystrokes are organized for web browsing, general navigating. Using forms, tables, placemarks, frames and other elements.
A section is included on reading text with various cursors, in dialog boxes and help files. Finally a few helpful Jaws tools are covered.
Download: Keystrokes
Resource Class Top 10.pdf
The handout that veterans receive from Hines when they are ready to graduate from the BRC. The top 10 list of resources is originally in print, and not accessible.
This pdf has not only been OCR’d, but formatted to be easily read by a blind veteran.
Download: Resource Class Top 10
A guide to help veterans transition out of military life. Provided as a courtesy of thhe Besides career transitions, the brief guide and wweb pahge includes support for military spouces.
Download: TheMilitaryGuide_Resources