by David King For me fishing as something to do as a kid, a past time for summertime fun. We did not have anything else but a bamboo pole. Or to be creative or determined, a strong limb long enough to get the job done. All it took was to…
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At the Winter Sports Games, veterans are paired up with two professional volunteers to assist in the training of one first-time skier. I, David King am here to share my experience. I was in the middle while the professionals, one on each side of me, assisted my safety by directing…
Comments closedThe team provided feedback on David’s presentation, discussed the usefulness of the blind life app and a scene detector app for visually impaired individuals, and emphasized the importance of cooperation and knowledge sharing within the group. They also discussed the organization’s logo and outreach efforts, announced their next Zoom meeting,…
Comments closedLovingly inviting all of our visually challenge Veterans another opportunity to attend our next Meet and Greet on zoom coming September 14 at 6 pm CST. Look for the link on this website. National Blinded Veterans Organization gratefully thank you in advance. Keith Heltsleyactive-duty Marine Corps. Missouri air National Guard.…
One CommentThe first thing to know is that RED is an acronym. It stands for Remember Everyone Deployed. There are two things you can do to celebrate. Where an article of clothing that is red. It may be anything ranging from a shirt, to a necktie or anything that can be…
Comments closedSubmit a media file. Keith Heltsleyactive-duty Marine Corps. Missouri air National Guard. Hillsboro, Illinois Keith was a sergeant of an infantry platoon, and for a short time acting platoon commander. In the air National Guard, he was an air traffic control radar maintenance man. While never seeing combat himself, he…
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